Vol 10 Issue 6 [November December 2024]
The Legal Framework for Brazilian Biodiversity and the Free Prior Informed Consent (FPIC) for Traditional Peoples
The legislation proposes the protection of traditional knowledge and the regulation of the use of biodiversity in Brazil. The article provides a detailed account of the legislative process, including an analysis of the mechanisms, actors,
Here Today, Gone Tomorrow – An Analysis of the Position of Affirmative Action in the United States Pre and Post the Harvard Admissions Case
The title of this Paper is inspired by a famous song of an American rock band called the Ramones. The song describes a love-hate relationship and a choice that is presented to teenage boys or
Protection of Data of Enterprises under Cameroonian Law: A Critical Appraisal
Data protection has always been a thorny and controversial issue in the world at large and in all domains of human existence. In the present context of digitalisation and globalisation, the phenomenon for the data
UNSC Permanent Members’ Veto Turns to Democratic Use of Veto among the Permanent Members
This article emphasizes UNSC particularly UNSC permanent members’ veto power. UNSC should effectively maintain international peace and security that is the main responsibility of this organ of UN. For making international peace and security, UNSC
Accessibility of Courts in India: An Evaluation of Lucknow District Courts in India
India, the world’s biggest democracy, has granted its people a wide range of social, economic, political, and legal rights. Almost all the people of the country have the knowledge regarding their rights and exercise them