Child sexual abuse is a widespread global problem that negatively affects victims, families, communities and society. Sexual abuse against girl child has added fuel to the fire and it had made its place in one of the hot topic for debate and research in India. Sexual abuse including sexual assault or rape of children and adolescence is a violation of human rights, and has many consequences in the short and the long term. Sexual violence against children has been recording an alarming rise in India. It is to be noted that according to National Crimes Records Bureau Report, 2021, in India across various States, Child Victims below 6 years of age comes to 648, below 6 to 12 years comes 3163, and whereas Victims 12 to 16 years of age comes to 12,754. In the majority of cases, it involves younger individuals who are more vulnerable to victimization. Social and cultural factors are also considered to play a pivotal role in sexual assault offences. It is pertinent to mention that in order to effectively address the heinous crimes of child sexual abuse, the Parliament of India had passed the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act, 2012. The researcher not only tries to identify the factors that have led to the low level of convictions under the POCSO Act and also offers recommendations for strengthening the prosecution and investigation in dealing with POCSO cases. This article also analyses the rights of the survivors and victims of child sexual abuse and the impact of the crime in the society.
Victims of Child Sexual Abuse in India: A Socio-Legal Analysis
Publication Information
Journal Title: Journal of Legal Studies & Research
Author(s): Ratnakar K.V
Published On: 10/04/2023
Volume: 9
Issue: 2
First Page: 151
Last Page: 160
ISSN: 2455-2437
Publisher: The Law Brigade Publisher
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Ratnakar K.V, Victims of Child Sexual Abuse in India: A Socio-Legal Analysis, Volume 9 Issue 2, Journal of Legal Studies & Research, 151-160, Published on 10/04/2023, Available at
Keywords: Sexual Assault, Age, Children, sexual exploitation, gender neutral, POCSO
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