The Conundrum of Providing Copyright Protection to Artificial Intelligence (AI) Generated Works – India and Beyond

Publication Information

Journal Title: Journal of Legal Studies & Research
Author(s): Siddharth Rawat
Published On: 25/08/2023
Volume: 9
Issue: 4
First Page: 165
Last Page: 180
ISSN: 2455-2437
Publisher: The Law Brigade Publisher

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Siddharth Rawat, The Conundrum of Providing Copyright Protection to Artificial Intelligence (AI) Generated Works – India and Beyond, Volume 9 Issue 4, Journal of Legal Studies & Research, 165-180, Published on 25/08/2023, Available at


This paper revolves around the new and evolving concept of Artificial Intelligence (AI). It attempts to highlight the emergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI), that has taken the field of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) by storm of late. The article points out the relationship of Artificial Intelligence (AI) with the Intellectual Property Rights (IPR). However, the paper strictly confines itself to Copyright Protection that is granted to Artificial Intelligence (AI) for the works generated by it. The paper will deal with Artificial Intelligence (AI) Generated Works and their copyright protection and ownership. The paper addresses the question as to why authorship of AI Generated Works must not be granted to Artificial Intelligence (AI). By addressing the said question, the paper brings out the threats and challenges in granting copyright protection to Artificial Intelligence (AI) for the works generated by it. Moving forward, the paper will discuss some of the landmark judicial cases and precedents that have helped settle the position with respect to providing copyright protection to the works created by Artificial Intelligence (AI). Furthermore, the paper talks about the current and the existing framework or status for copyright protection to the works generated by Artificial Intelligence (AI). Finally, the paper concludes by coming up with certain solutions and suggestions.

Keywords: Copyright Protection, Intellectual Property Rights, Artificial Intelligence (AI) Generated Works

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