There is lots of clamours and controversies as to whether states are really offering protection to refugee, and if this be the case, what becomes so atypical and unusual in such protection? Nonetheless, the debate on States responsibility have taken diverse dimension as they are exploring and elaborating their spheres of activities in order to accomplish and even improved refugee protection. At the heart of these reflexions sometimes lies a miscalculation as to evaluate and assess staunchly the duties States owes to refugees and asylum-seekers under international law. This article pronounces that there are lots of polemics and quizzical when probing and assessing the responsibilities states in the protection of refugees’ status as we continuing observing constant violations on the rights and status of refugees. In order to answer the above uncertainties and annotations made, it will be proper in developing an analytical research methodology which will be in assessing the responsibilities of States when dealing with refugee protection. From the above illumination, it is clear and unequivocal that there are some complications and twist in the responsibilities of States as to refugee in matters related to refugee protection. It is therefore in this lane conclusion can be emphasis that, the problem is not just with the position stipulated under international law, but rather with that protection render by the States which have continue to be regarded of being of questionable character.
Searching the Arguments Surrounding the Responsibility of States in the Protection of Refugee Status under International Law
Publication Information
Journal Title: Journal of Legal Studies & Research
Author(s): Nana Charles Nguindip
Published On: 03/01/2023
Volume: 8
Issue: 6
First Page: 155
Last Page: 171
ISSN: 2455-2437
Publisher: The Law Brigade Publisher
DOI Not Allotted [Get DOI]
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Nana Charles Nguindip, Searching the Arguments Surrounding the Responsibility of States in the Protection of Refugee Status under International Law, Volume 8 Issue 6, Journal of Legal Studies & Research, 155-171, Published on 03/01/2023, Available at
Keywords: Refugee, Protection, Examining, States Responsibilities, Polemics
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