The democracy is considered to be one of the of the best forms of governing system in the whole world and our nation is also a democratic nation where the principles od democracy are resonating in each and every section of the society. The democracy is considered to be the will and interest of the majority of the people but actually through a proper democratic governance, the voice of the minority will also be protected. The core principle behind the democratic governance is the actual participation of a large number of people since no other forms of government can claim for such an active as well as vibrant participation. If we are connecting the democracy with that of the rule of law, we will come to know that both the things shall need to go hand-in-hand with each other since rule of law should need to be there in a democratic society to remain it as a democratic one, else it may transform to some anarchial form. In the present-day society, globalization plays a very crucial in all aspects of development such as social, political, legal and economic development. As time passes, the ambit of democracy and rule of law is also changing from the very basic doctrine at the time we get independence and here the globalization also plays a key role since it focuses on the cross-border and transnational relationships with various nations. This research paper intends to deal with how the rule of law plays an important role in a democratic society like India where the process of globalization has also crossed certain milestones during the last few decades.
Rule of Law Vis-À-Vis Globalization in India: A Critical Study
Publication Information
Journal Title: Journal of Legal Studies & Research
Author(s): Adv. Naveen Saju
Published On: 08/06/2023
Volume: 9
Issue: 3
First Page: 190
Last Page: 199
ISSN: 2455-2437
Publisher: The Law Brigade Publisher
Cite this Article
Adv. Naveen Saju, Rule of Law Vis-À-Vis Globalization in India: A Critical Study, Volume 9 Issue 3, Journal of Legal Studies & Research, 190-199, Published on 08/06/2023, Available at
Keywords: Rule of Law, Democracy, Globalization, Market Economy, Transnational, Constitution, Liberalization
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