Rights are vested interests. Human rights are the vested interests of human beings. There are many rights within its ambit. Some are recognised and enacted as a law, while others are not. As the time passes, need for emphasizing certain unrecognised rights arises. Also, people are more aware about certain rights and less about other rights. Human right to environment is the vested interest that humans possess, in relation to their environment. Environment is not a less significant factor for a peaceful and healthy life of humans. Environment consists of vital phenomena which decide the living conditions. When there is a threat to that environment, ultimately human right is affected. There arises the need to protect such rights. Many frameworks are made from time to time to provide that protection to the human right to environment. This right is receiving more awareness and recognition as the need spikes up. The objective of the study is to analyse various aspects including relation between human rights and environment, legal enactments and judicial recognition. The research also throws light upon United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and Special rapporteur. Recent issue with regard to environment, like climate change, is also included. Significance of environmental rights is underestimated sometimes. ‘Environmental rights are not a want; it is definitely a need’. This study emphasises the inevitable nature and importance of environmental rights.
Human Right to Environment: An Analysis
Publication Information
Journal Title: Journal of Legal Studies & Research
Author(s): Sabari K S
Published On: 30/01/2023
Volume: 9
Issue: 1
First Page: 65
Last Page: 73
ISSN: 2455-2437
Publisher: The Law Brigade Publisher
DOI Not Allotted [Get DOI]
Cite this Article
Sabari K S, Human Right to Environment: An Analysis, Volume 9 Issue 1, Journal of Legal Studies & Research, 65-73, Published on 30/01/2023, Available at https://jlsr.thelawbrigade.com/article/human-right-to-environment-an-analysis/
Keywords: Human Rights, Environmental right, UNEP, Special Rapporteur, Surrounding, Stockholm Declaration
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