Over the past years, environmental concern has attracted both national and international communities. Countries have been acting locally and collectively as an international community to ensure that the conservation and sustainable use of the environment leads to sustainable growth, helping to lift many out of poverty permanently. The growth and prosperity of every society thus, lies in environmental sustainability. A healthy environment as such is key to achieving sustainable developments. When the environment is mismanaged economic losses are significant. The reason for Environmental Impact Assessment thus is to ensure that man interference in the environment does not cause significant long term negative effects but rather that its results to sustainable development. Environmental Impact Assessment is a process which permits that environmental factors are integrated at the beginning of project planning and eventual decision-making with the aim of achieving sustainable development. Ignorance of the importance of carrying out environmental Impact Assessment on projects likely to affect the environment justifies the escape of the process by some project proponents. Among several benefits, the respect of the condition of EIA at the commencement and during the life of the project in Cameroon is able to attract some investment incentives like tax reduction, also the process of EIA is important for the feasibility of the project, withdrawal of unsound projects, and also aid in development actions. Unless the worth of carrying out environmental impact assessment is known to a people, the practice of EIA as require by the Cameroonian legislator is likely to be escaped by many investors who see it as an obstacle to achieving their goals. The vision of emergence by 2035 can only be a reality if environmental sustainability is considered in development projects before and during the life span of the project.
Environmental Impact Assessment As A Step To Achieving Sustainable Development In Cameroon
Publication Information
Journal Title: Journal of Legal Studies & Research
Author(s): Nyingchia Angela Kemei
Published On: 18/12/2021
Volume: 8
Issue: 1
First Page: 55
Last Page: 71
ISSN: 2455-2437
Publisher: The Law Brigade Publisher
DOI Not Allotted [Get DOI]
Cite this Article
Nyingchia Angela Kemei, Environmental Impact Assessment As A Step To Achieving Sustainable Development In Cameroon, Volume 8 Issue 1, Journal of Legal Studies & Research, 55-71, Published on 18/12/2021, Available at https://jlsr.thelawbrigade.com/article/environmental-impact-assessment-as-a-step-to-achieving-sustainable-development-in-cameroon/
Keywords: Environment, Environmental Impact Assessment, Sustainable Development, and Investment
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