Because of speedy urbanization and development in technology, crime rate is also rapidly rising. Police is state agency to take care and maintain law and order in state. Hence, police should be up to date with technology. Smart policing is one such initiative involving evidence-constructed, data-driven law enforcement manoeuvres and strategies that are effective, smart, economical as well as efficient. Particularly speaking about India, the police force which is strict and sensitive, modern and mobile, alert and accountable, reliable and responsive, techno-savvy and trained. Technologies employed by the police are numerous and support diverse functions. Facial Recognition System, Body-Worn Cameras, Mobile Application Intelligence Collection, Cyber Crime, Community policing and predictive policing is crucial aspect of smart policing. Technology is an instrument, or a method, for accomplishing labour, and it can take many forms, including material, intellectual and social. Technology is ingrained in social structures and is imbued with social meanings; it shapes and modifies organizations and jobs. Currently all over the world, law enforcing agencies are using the technology for better functioning. There are cameras put in significant public sites such as railway stations, central bus stations, and other locations to collect facial photographs of people to aid in crime detection. Body-worn cameras for police officers are one of the most commonly discussed technology advancements in policing today. In Indian context, also the need of Body Worn Cameras are strongly suggested by various academicians and legal expert. Many states polices developed their application which enables citizens to report crime instantly using their mobile phones. For effective policing one important thing is records of criminals. This data can give easiness to police performance. Cybercrime is often portrayed as an unsolvable problem because it can be perpetrated by users under the guise of secrecy and is based in certain areas without application of law. Therefore, forensic labs and Information Technology expert staff of police is need of time. Community policing means to understand the grievances of the common people in co-ordination with people itself to instill a sense of security, prevention and detecting of crimes. Predictive policing concentrates on using the power of geospatial technologies with a mix of info processing abilities as well as evidence based police response models to do crime analysis, prevention and detection. Thus technology is tool to achieve the object of effective and the complete policing.
Contribution of Technology in Smart Policing and Modern Operations in India: Glimpses
Publication Information
Journal Title: Journal of Legal Studies & Research
Author(s): Kapil Chaurpagar
Published On: 15/03/2022
Volume: 8
Issue: 2
First Page: 76
Last Page: 87
ISSN: 2455-2437
Publisher: The Law Brigade Publisher
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Kapil Chaurpagar, Contribution of Technology in Smart Policing and Modern Operations in India: Glimpses, Volume 8 Issue 2, Journal of Legal Studies & Research, 76-87, Published on 15/03/2022, Available at
Keywords: Smart Policing, Police and Technology, body worn cameras, Cyber Crime, Community policing etc.
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