Constitutional Resilience is an important aspect which is often undermined in major leading democratic countries around the world. The subject is so diverse and varied, that from human rights, to the accountability of the government to secularism this particular matter touches all objects. In this paper through the process of introducing such factors like populism which has greatly impacted democracies around the world and at the same time terms such as unconstitutional constitutional amendments we try to analyze as per how truly resilient the constitution of Bangladesh actually is. We have also focused on some of the key points in the history of Bangladesh which has put the notion of secularism in the country under major threat. There have also been comparisons made between the constitutions of Bangladesh with India and the United States of America, since there is no actual way to find out the resilience of a particular country’s constitution.
Constitutional Resilience and Bangladesh
Publication Information
Journal Title: Journal of Legal Studies & Research
Author(s): Mashrur Ahmed Zidane
Published On: 18/10/2023
Volume: 9
Issue: 5
First Page: 144
Last Page: 153
ISSN: 2455-2437
Publisher: The Law Brigade Publisher
DOI Not Allotted [Get DOI]
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Mashrur Ahmed Zidane, Constitutional Resilience and Bangladesh, Volume 9 Issue 5, Journal of Legal Studies & Research, 144-153, Published on 18/10/2023, Available at
Keywords: Constitution, Resilience, Separation of Power, Judicial Review
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