Conditions And Problems of Domestic Workers During Their Course of Employment in India

Publication Information

Journal Title: Journal of Legal Studies & Research
Author(s): Ms. Prerna Gulati & Dr. Amit Kumar Srivastava
Published On: 29/11/2022
Volume: 8
Issue: 6
First Page: 212
Last Page: 224
ISSN: 2455-2437
Publisher: The Law Brigade Publisher

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Ms. Prerna Gulati & Dr. Amit Kumar Srivastava, Conditions And Problems of Domestic Workers During Their Course of Employment in India, Volume 8 Issue 6, Journal of Legal Studies & Research, 212-224, Published on 29/11/2022, Available at


The domestic workers experience the terror of being uprooted from their culture, their language, their food habits and their rural and tribal life style. On account of their work that demands they work alone in the house for most of the time as a result, they suffer from terrible pangs of loneliness.[i] The drastic lack of the support, friends, relatives, communication leads to a serious dislocation of their personalities and high degree of adjustment problems.[ii]

A domestic worker or the in-house worker is likely to be called on at any time of day or night, seven days a week the main reason for this is that the place of rest is the same as the place of work. In addition, terms of employment, such as fixed working because hours, rest periods, leaves, and so on, are not clearly defined.[iii] Once the assigned tasks are done, a WDW always has other errands, which need to be done getting a glass of water, polishing shoes, nursing a sick child at night.[iv]

Because of the various obligations that Women domestic workers need to play out each day, taking all things together of their waking and at times even as they turn in, they are exhausted, which clearly negatively affects their physical and mental prosperity. The idea of the undertakings, rights that these rights are being disregarded which are basically redundant and exhausting, and offers them zero chance to master new abilities, which may open an entryway for them later in their life.

[i] Amit Kundu (2008) Conditions of Work and Rights of the Female Domestic Workers of Kolkata, Munich Personal RePEc Archive, March 2008, pp. 2-4.

[ii] Anjaria, J.S. (2016), ‘Domestic workers in Mumbai’. Economic and political weekly, 2140-2146. Arunachalam, Jaya. 1997. ‘Women in the informal sector: Need for policy options’, Social Welfare, Vol. 44 (5).

[iii] Abraham, Susan (2007), ‘A lawless Sector’. www. Anderson, Bridget. 2000. Doing the dirty work? The global politics of domestic labour. London, Newyork: Zed Books.

[iv] Ibid

Keywords: Domestic Workers, Problems, Conditions, International, Employment

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