In the contemporary world, almost all countries have a constitution that is the fundamental and supreme law of the state. It is the source of all other laws, and any laws inconsistent with the requirements of the highest law shall be void. Like others, Bangladesh framed its own constitution in 1972, immediately after its independence in December 1971 from Pakistani unjust and treacherous rulers. The Constitution of Bangladesh is not merely a lengthy or frozen document; rather, it is the embodiment of the feelings, emotions, and aspirations of millions of martyrs that led them to shed their blood for their own country. But skipping to modern days, aside from those with legal backgrounds, students and professionals are constantly falling behind in terms of their grasp of the Constitution and their interest in constitutional matters. Nonetheless, it should be a fundamental course for secondary and tertiary-level students because it guides the three branches of government in their day-to-day operations. Apart from that, like other reference materials, the library of educational institutions is not endowed with the Constitution. It is true that no research project has been undertaken on this topic, but the situation is the same in all the districts of Bangladesh. Regardless of scope and limitations, if the research finds out the actual awareness rate of the Constitution and its availability in educational institutions in Mymensingh District, it will be helpful for the concerned authority to take initiatives regarding the issues throughout the whole Bangladesh.
Assessing the Awareness of the Constitution of Bangladesh: An Empirical Study on the Secondary and Tertiary Level Students in Mymensingh District
Publication Information
Journal Title: Journal of Legal Studies & Research
Author(s): Md. Manir Alam
Published On: 11/08/2023
Volume: 9
Issue: 4
First Page: 90
Last Page: 114
ISSN: 2455-2437
Publisher: The Law Brigade Publisher
DOI Not Allotted [Get DOI]
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Md. Manir Alam, Assessing the Awareness of the Constitution of Bangladesh: An Empirical Study on the Secondary and Tertiary Level Students in Mymensingh District, Volume 9 Issue 4, Journal of Legal Studies & Research, 90-114, Published on 11/08/2023, Available at
Keywords: Constitution, Constitutionalism, Constitutional Knowledge, Constitution in the institutions, Awareness, importance.
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