According to a famous quote of JOWN DEWEY, “If we teach today’s students as we taught yesterday’s, we rob them of tomorrow.” The mode of teaching stands on five different pillars, those are Teaching Technology, Curriculum Designing, philosophical Perspective, Psychological Perspective and last but foremost important is Sociological Changes. This is so momentous that rest four builders have their dependability and also dominated by sociological changes. For instance history reveals that even a small change in society may lead to great revolutions then a resultant change in psychological perspective followed by our philosophical perspective which further pushes up to the technology and curriculum designing to be changed as well it implies flexibility in four of them is required to have a match with sociological changes, keeping flexible perspective of all four back runner wheel the fore runner wheel which is of sociological change can be successfully followed. It validates the above mentioned quote, if we don’t want to rob the students, and to go hand in hand with sociological changes as of chief importance. We need to adopt flexibility in approach. Taking this view as of our constitutional makers also adopted an alterable and flexible constitution which can be modified in different spheres of sociological changes, resultantly making the mode of teaching progressive too. From the Vedic era to the digital era, education has been the witness of many transformations, our Constitution also adopts flexibility in nature displacing or reforming (whichever is applicable) older provisions to deal with new sociological changes. As far education policies are concerned, our constitution makers provided a large number of clauses and articles which have a direct bearing on education. Since the making of constitution up to the present digital era many clauses and articles have been added to make it more beneficial for the common mass and for the deprived section too that means up to the last strata of society. In the present paper traversing of the development of Indian constitution has been outlined by the Free and compulsory education, Child abuse and child exploitation.
Analyzing the Development of Indian Constitution with Respect to Education
Publication Information
Journal Title: Journal of Legal Studies & Research
Author(s): Gururaj D. Devarhubli & Bushra Sarfaraj Patel
Published On: 21/02/2022
Volume: 8
Issue: 1
First Page: 303
Last Page: 311
ISSN: 2455-2437
Publisher: The Law Brigade Publisher
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Gururaj D. Devarhubli & Bushra Sarfaraj Patel, Analyzing the Development of Indian Constitution with Respect to Education , Volume 8 Issue 1, Journal of Legal Studies & Research, 303-311, Published on 21/02/2022, Available at
Keywords: Fundamental Rights, Directive Principle of State Policy, Education for minorities, Mode of teaching in mother tongue
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