An Examination of the Legal Framework Governing Electronic Filing of Cases in Tanzania

Publication Information

Journal Title: Journal of Legal Studies & Research
Author(s): Hamis Ahmad Juma
Published On: 06/12/2023
Volume: 9
Issue: 6
First Page: 85
Last Page: 101
ISSN: 2455-2437
Publisher: The Law Brigade Publisher

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Hamis Ahmad Juma, An Examination of the Legal Framework Governing Electronic Filing of Cases in Tanzania, Volume 9 Issue 6, Journal of Legal Studies & Research, 85-101, Published on 06/12/2023, Available at


This study is aimed at examining the effectiveness of the electronic filing of cases in the dispensation of justice in Tanzania. More specifically it aimed to examine the legal framework governing electronic filing of cases in Tanzania. Among the objectives of the study were to examine the effectiveness of electronic filing of cases in Tanzania in line with the principles enshrined under Article 107A (2) of the constitution of United Republic of Tanzania which requires courts in delivery of justice to be impartial, to decide matters expeditiously as well as to avoid being tied up with technicality provisions which obstructs justice. The study was conducted in Mwanza Region in Nyamagana and Ilemela Districts. Being a qualitative work, this study is solely based on the materials found in the library and other related materials found in websites.  From the research findings it can be established that e-filing of cases has enabled the courts to adopt the growth of science and technological developments as now cases and documents can be filed vide electronic system something which facilitates dispensation of justice timely. However, still there are challenges on the system hence the new filing system of e-case management system (E-CMS) should be solidified so as to do away with challenges that were tainting the judicial statistical dashboard system (JSDS).  All in all unlike paper form, the E-filing will likely have a more pervasive effect on the legal system in Tanzania

Keywords: E-Filing, Cases, E-CMS, JSDS, Filing, Legal Framework

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