A Study on the Role of Information Technology Act in E-Governance

Publication Information

Journal Title: Journal of Legal Studies & Research
Author(s): Jenifer Stella S & Dr. Ambika Kumari S
Published On: 15/03/2022
Volume: 8
Issue: 2
First Page: 65
Last Page: 75
ISSN: 2455-2437
Publisher: The Law Brigade Publisher

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Jenifer Stella S & Dr. Ambika Kumari S, A Study on the Role of Information Technology Act in E-Governance, Volume 8 Issue 2, Journal of Legal Studies & Research, 65-75, Published on 15/03/2022, Available at https://jlsr.thelawbrigade.com/article/a-study-on-the-role-of-information-technology-act-in-e-governance/


Technology has developed so much that we could find everything in our finger tips today, from commercial activities to social networking from gaming to advertisements, today almost everything is done in just a matter of seconds. Cyber space may have various technical definitions but the logical fact is that cyber space is the parallel life where every person lives either with or without his will. Initially digitalization was a choice but today it has become a necessity. Most of the public or private activities requires its people to enter into the cyber world. Though the dream of making Digital India sounds astonishing, the question here is that –Are we ready for it? Is the Virtual world protected enough for its netizens? Whether the laws of our nation are stringent enough to deal with issues relating to cyber securities and cybercrimes. No country is crime free of both conventional and modern technological crimes but that doesn’t brings an end to the questions raised above. It is the duty of the State to enact stern laws with the consultation of the members of law enforcement bodies and stake holders to protect the virtual world which in turn makes its netizens feel protected   and safe to carry out their day to day work with the help of technology. This study highlights the lacunas in the existing laws and the need for bringing in new stringent legislations

Keywords: Information Technology, Cyber Space, E-Governance, Digital India, Cyber Security

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