A Study on Mergers and Acquisition in India

Publication Information

Journal Title: Journal of Legal Studies & Research
Author(s): Lalith Kumar J & Dr. Ambika Kumari S
Published On: 14/03/2022
Volume: 8
Issue: 2
First Page: 33
Last Page: 46
ISSN: 2455-2437
Publisher: The Law Brigade Publisher

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Lalith Kumar J & Dr. Ambika Kumari S, A Study on Mergers and Acquisition in India, Volume 8 Issue 2, Journal of Legal Studies & Research, 33-46, Published on 14/03/2022, Available at https://jlsr.thelawbrigade.com/article/a-study-on-mergers-and-acquisition-in-india/


Mergers and acquisitions is a general term that describes the consolidation of companies or assets through various types of financial transactions, including mergers, acquisitions, consolidations, tender offers, purchase of assets, and management acquisitions. The term Mergers and Acquisitions also refers to the desks at financial institutions that deal in such activity. The terms “mergers” and “acquisitions” are often used interchangeably, but they differ in meaning. In an acquisition, one company purchases another outright. A merger is the combination of two firms, which subsequently form a new legal entity under the banner of one corporate name. A company can be objectively valued by studying comparable companies in an industry and using metrics.

Keywords: Mergers, Acquisition, Operating, Performance

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