A Critical Examination of the Shift from Litigation to Alternative Dispute Resolution

Publication Information

Journal Title: Journal of Legal Studies & Research
Author(s): Vijay Kumar, Apoorv Singh & Vikas Yadav
Published On: 30/01/2023
Volume: 9
Issue: 1
First Page: 96
Last Page: 112
ISSN: 2455-2437
Publisher: The Law Brigade Publisher

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Vijay Kumar, Apoorv Singh & Vikas Yadav, A Critical Examination of the Shift from Litigation to Alternative Dispute Resolution , Volume 9 Issue 1, Journal of Legal Studies & Research, 96-112, Published on 30/01/2023, Available at https://jlsr.thelawbrigade.com/article/a-critical-examination-of-the-shift-from-litigation-to-alternative-dispute-resolution/


ADR refers to numerous approaches for resolving conflicts outside of the judicial system. There is a tremendous growth in disagreements between parties in the modern world. Litigation gives a remedy and settles all disputes, but the process is very time-consuming. In certain instances, low-income individuals struggle to pay court fees. Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) gives remedies to the difficulties generated by litigation. It facilitates the resolution of cases in a timely and cost-effective manner. It helps to create a good resolution by considering both sides’ interests.

This article focuses on the difficulties individuals confront as a result of legal processes and those resulting from the implementation of Covid-19. It also describes the ADR procedure and shows how it is superior to conventional litigation and the benefits of ODR following Covid-19.

Keywords: ADR, Litigation, Contractual and Economical Problems, Difficulties Inherent in Litigation, Process and Procedure Of ADR

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